...a girl of many moods.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Feel Good Saturday ~ Heal Your Mind

Lately, I've been seeing the words self-care and healing a lot and at the same time I see a lot of people leaving social media, or at least some platforms.
I used to do this a lot, back when my social media presence was just a hobby, but now that it became some sort of a part time job, I started to feel the pressure.
Because, I FEEL like I need a break from social media, but at the same time I have all these events and collabs, and I can't be unprofessional and cancel all that. But on the other hand, (mental)health comes first, so I wouldn't be surprised if I give myself some time.
It's very sad that no matter how much we talk about mental health, it's still not taken very seriously.

Also, I kinda forgot to put myself first somewhere along the way ( different thing from being selfish ) and I know that has bad influence on my energy, my creativity and at the end of the day, quality of life.

You know that feeling when you're so busy and have so much to do and you're going through so much, but feel like you have nothing to say, cause it's too much for your mind to process and you feel like nothing is actually going on and every day is the same, when in fact is hectic and crazy.
A lot of it has to do with the fact that I basically have two jobs now, but also the background I have with anxiety makes everything a lot more difficult.
http://donnaoctober.blogspot.com/2018/06/mental-health-personal-struggles-most.html )

And 2018 went by so fast and weird, I forgot what month it is a few days ago.
I literally couldn't remember and it took me a few minutes.

I just came back from the hair dresses, where I cut half of my hair, and that says a lot.
Girls will understand this. :)
So, heal your mind. Do whatever it takes. Start by learning how to say no to people and not give your everything to everyone.
You come first.
Stay home and be by yourself for a while.
Don't do things you don't want to, but think that you have to.
Take a break. It's okay.

Much love.

Until Soon.

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