...a girl of many moods.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Donna October x Oriflame

It's no secret that lipsticks have undertones which go with your skin tone and complexion, but finding the right shade it's hard sometimes and it usually ends up with wasted money on a wrong color. Then the journey of finding the right shade continues and it's an endless cycle of wasting money and piling up on lipsticks that don't really suit you. All girls will understand this first world problem.
Or if you want to buy a lipstick as a present, but you're not sure that you gonna buy the right one, Oriflame has a new line of lipsticks for three different skin undertones. Warm, cold and neutral. It makes the job easier.
The new line has 24 different colors and they are divided in three groups matching the three skin undertones.
Since my skin undertone is warm, in this collab with Oriflame I am representing those shades.


Со најновата колекција на кармини, Орифлеим го олеснува наоѓањето на соодветна боја на кармин за вашиот поттон на кожа. Веќе познато е дека секој кармин има поттон кој одговара на некој од трите вида на поттон на кожа - топол, ладен и неутрален.


Има 24 нијанси, а во оваа соработка со Орифлеим јас ги претставувам кармините со топол поттон. Мојата омилена нијанса е Rosewood Charm.

Until Soon.

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