...a girl of many moods.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Joy by Dior

Last night I attended a cocktail promotion of the new fragrance by Dior - Joy.
The event was very well organised, I had an amazing time, and thanks to everyone involved.

Now, after I had the chance to test it even before it hit the stores here, this is my opinion.
It's a bottle of Joy.
This perfume is pure perfection. The name Joy fits so perfectly. It starts very floral, with a hint of citrus, which I love, but it has a depth which makes it great for every occasion and time of the day.
It's feminine and light, but that is not the best part.
After a while, when it stars to fade, and when all the middle and base notes
come through, it becomes more elegant and even more feminine, not overpowering
and it's certainly not gonna give you a headache like some perfumes would 
( I am very sensitive when it comes to scents and I can very easily get a headache
if a perfume is too strong or too sweet ), but it's also not too light
and it's not gonna go away very fast - it is very long lasting.
Every component of this perfume is well balanced, and I am so happy to say
that I finally found THE perfume.
A true bottle of Joy.

Until Soon.

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Friday, September 14, 2018

Donna October x Guerlain

Со текот на времето, правецот на овој блог се смени, повеќе постови се за патување, мои лични искуства, интереси, работата на брод, дури и некои емоционални текстови, и престанав да правам постови за шминка, нешто во кое уживав.

Планирам во иднина повторно да почнам со таква содржина и некои од постовите ќе бидат и на македонски ( нешто што екстремно ретко правам, само поради една причина, а тоа е 99% од моите читатели се од надвор од Македонија ). 
Тоа би било тоа, за овој краток пост - поентата беше само едно благодарам до тимот на Хибрид Медиа, девојките секогаш знаат да ме изненадат позитивно и секоја соработка со нив ми претставува задоволство.


Somewhere along the line, this blog turned into a travel blog/emotional talk, and I kinda stopped doing make up related content as I used to few years ago, but it's something that I love doing, so I will probably do more posts like this in the future. 

This is a short appreciation post for the girls at www.hybread.mk who never fail to surprise me and I love collaborating with them.
Also, how beautiful is this Terracotta - Guerlain bronzing powder.
& again - shoutout to https://www.instagram.com/hybread.mk/  ❤️

Until Soon.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Kotor ~ Montenegro

Few words.

  • a port - it's great for the lovers of ships and marine life like myself. I don't live close to a sea/ocean/port so this was the closest fix I could get which reminded me of my time on board.
  • cats, cats, CATS! Everywhere.
  • it's extremely crowded - I had to wake up at 5am to take some of these photos, because starting from 6am there are already people on the streets even tho not everything is open until 8.
  • the beaches are not fancy, with white sand and blue water - which I don't mind, I couldn't care less about that - but some people might, so it's good to mention it

Until Soon.

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 Donna October ©

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